
Paste for forming titanium-oxide thin film

Nanosmart SK40LV

Paste for forming titanium-oxide thin film

Titanium oxide (TiO2) indicates very high reflective indexes among metal oxides, so we can obtain various interference colors by controlling thickness. We utilize its characteristic and succeed to form thin films that can maintain color tones semi-permanently without using dyes or pigments.
We can provide screen-printing pastes to form titanium oxide thin films by uniform thickness.

Product features, specifications

Silver-color thin films can be formed by using 325mesh/inch mesh, drying at 150°C and firing from 500 to 800 °C. We can obtain various interference colors by controlling the wet film thickness just after screen printing.
The thin film from titanium oxide has anatase structure, and shows high hardness (over 9H), high reflective indexes, high humidity resistance and low haze indexes (approximately 0.1%).

Paste for forming titanium-oxide thin film

Titanium oxide (TiO2) indicates very high reflective indexes among metal oxides, so we can obtain various interference colors by controlling thickness. We utilize its characteristic and succeed to form thin films that can maintain color tones semi-permanently without using dyes or pigments. We can provide screen-printing pastes to form titanium oxide thin films by uniform thickness.
